Both Charlie and Louise have exceeded their team target of 20km with Charlie achieving an impressive 20km in his walker and powerchair by doing laps in his house and garden. Louise also smashed the target by running 72km in total! Together the team managed a whopping 92km in total 4.6 times their original target.

Charlie and Louise have enjoyed taking part in the At Home Superheroes Challenge, which you can see from the huge smiles on their faces ! Even when they found it challenging! The furthest distance Charlie achieved in his walker was 26 lengths of his house & garden and in his powerchair he achieved an amazing 3.5kms as his longest distance! For Louise, her furthest run was 10.2km.

Charlie’s favourite part of the challenge was doing circuits of his local park and finding painted rocks in addition to crossing the finishing line and getting his medal! Louise’s highlight of the challenge was running her final 10km and crossing the finish line to lots of whoops and cheers.

Team Charlie and Louise have been raising money for Tree of Hope – a crowdfunding charity that helps children and young people with a disability or illness by supporting their families to raise the money they need to pay for specialist care that is not freely available through the UK healthcare system. So far, they have helped to raise over £600.

Although they have completed the challenge there is still time to donate! To donate and support team Charlie and Louise’s chosen charity, please follow the link below:


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