On Saturday 15 November 2021, the CL Medilaw Wilmslow team attended two fantastic charity balls; one in aid of Rainbow Hub, and the other in aid of Brainwave.

Rainbow Hub Annual Ball

The Rainbow Hub Annual Ball was a very special one this year as it was to celebrate their 20th anniversary. Our colleagues, Charlotte Moore, Rebecca Wilson and Lucy Metters attended the event with some of our wonderful clients and legal colleagues. A great night was had by all, and an amazing £70,000 was raised in total.

Rainbow Hub is a charity based in Lancashire that provides therapeutic services for children and young people with physical disabilities as a result of a neurological condition or brain injury. Their aim is to improve physical, social and emotional wellbeing of children with complex needs, as well as reducing the stress and isolation of their families. Rainbow Hub offers a range of free services including conductive education, physiotherapy and rebound therapy.

Brainwave Charity Ball

Meanwhile our colleagues, Matthew Heap, Tim Dennis, Molly Taylor, David Vickers, India Finnemore, Morgan Tattersall, Isabel Cooper and Abigail Woodcock attended the Brainwave Charity Ball at The Mere Golf Club. The theme of the night was New York Glitz and Glam, and they certainly delivered. The evening began with a game of Heads or Tails, and Tim Dennis managed to snag a win by daring to pick 9 ‘Heads’ in a row. A full filled evening was had by all, and a lot of money was raised for this fantastic charity.

Brainwave is a charity that’s sole focus is to provide children with disabilities the therapy that they need to reach their full potential to shine! Their experienced therapists work closely with the children and their families to develop a Therapy Programme that is specific to the child’s physical and cognitive needs at one of their two clinics in Somerset or Cheshire, or via their online service. We have been proud to support Brainwave during the pandemic with CL Medilaw taking part in a 340km Duathalon.

CL Medilaw are committed to supporting both of these fantastic charities, as we understand, through the work that we do, the challenges and pressures that living with a brain injury can bring and the importance role that these organisations play in families’ lives.

Stay tuned to our website and social media for updates on how we continue to support Rainbow Hub and Brainwave and head over to their websites to find out more https://www.rainbowhub.org/ and https://brainwave.org.uk/.

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