CL Medilaw’s Matt and Nat teamed up with colleagues from Knights Family team to raise £1,435 for Brainwave by participating in their 2021 Duathlon! Teams had two days to run / cycle / run the distance of their choice.

Going the Distance

Over the weekend, Matt, with his wife Kate and sidekick Perkin ran 10km, cycled 30km and then ran another 10km to complete the challenge. Natalie ran 20km, cycled 40km and then ran 15km. Collectively, the team of 5 travelled a whopping distance of 340km in just 2 days!

Although the current circumstances required the team to complete the challenge individually, regular zoom calls allowed the team to boost morale and keep on track of training. The team also continued to keep friends and family updated with their progress over the weekend through regular posts on social media and their just giving page, raising just short of £1,500!

Who are Brainwave?

Brainwave is a charity that’s sole focus is to provide children with disabilities the therapy that they need to reach their full potential to shine! Their experienced therapists work closely with the children and their families to develop a Therapy Programme that is specific to the child’s physical and cognitive needs. The charity have two Brainwave clinics in Somerset and Cheshire, however they offer an online service to try and reach families no matter their location.

The aim of the event was to raise a minimum sponsorship amount of £200. This amount would pay for two specialist sets of therapy equipment and allow Brainwave to continue with their children’s Therapy Programme at home. Thanks to the efforts of the team and all of the generous sponsors, Brainwave can purchase a further seven sets of specialist therapy equipment. This will allow Brainwave to continue with their great work helping children with disabilities and additional needs to achieve greater independence and fulfil their potential.

CL Medilaw are looking forward to many more successful collaborations with Brainwave in the future and are already looking for new ways to support them in their great work (after a much needed lie down!)


Frequently asked questions
How long will my claim take?

All claims are different and this depends upon when a final prognosis is known and a claim can be valued.

Once we obtain an admission of liability in your case we can request an immediate payment to help with your needs and put support in place.

What will the first steps be?

We will discuss your circumstances at a time and place to suit you – in person, at your home or on the telephone. We can request your medical records at the outset free of charge. Once we have reviewed your records we can advise you further and appoint suitable experts to provide their opinion on your potential claim.

Will I have to go to court?

Medical negligence claims rarely go to court, with only a small percentage of the more complex cases ending up there. However, in the unlikely event that your case reaches court, we will be by your side throughout the process.


When will be damages be paid?

As soon as we possibly can, we will obtain an early payment for you to support any immediate financial needs you have. This can help you obtain care, therapy, accommodation and rehabilitation. The sooner you investigate a potential claim the sooner an early payment can be made if you are successful.


What can I claim for?

The aim of compensation is to put you in the financial position you would have been in had it not been for the injury/negligence in question. We recognise that this is sometimes impossible, but we can work with you and the best experts to ensure all your needs are assessed and costed to help you transform your life for the better, and to give you financial security for the future.


How much is my claim worth?

It is difficult to advise upon the value of your claim at the outset given the complexity of the issues involved. However, if you have sustained a life changing injury then damages are likely to be substantial. Once the correct expert evidence is obtained and when a final prognosis is known we can advise you further. Our role is to maximise the compensation you receive and we specialise in doing so.

Are there any time limits to pursue a claim?

It is important to pursue your claim as quickly as possible due to time limits and to also enable us to help you obtain compensation as soon as possible. This is especially the case in complex cases as the process can be lengthy.

You have to start your claim within 3-years (limitation period) from when the injury occurred or when you first became aware of any potential negligence or injury as a result. However, the time limit only begins when a child reaches 18 years of age.

For someone who lacks capacity to pursue any litigation, the 3-year time period may never start to run although capacity can return or be intermittent.

You should always seek legal advice upon the relevant limitation period in your circumstances.


Will my claim be reported in the press?

We will always respect your right to privacy wherever possible. Sometimes, clients want details of any settlement to be made public or there may be publicity surrounding the case in certain circumstances. If this occurs we can support you in managing any contact with the media to ensure you are in control of any publicity that occurs.


Related Specialism

Brain Injury

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