The Superhero

Alex (SuperMac) had so much fun participating in the summer challenge, that he decided he wanted to get involved with the at home winter event and has teamed up with CL Medilaw’s very own Charlotte to complete the challenge.

Alex has quadriplegic cerebral palsy, global developmental delay, learning difficulties and epilepsy. With the assistance of his sidekicks he is aiming to complete the challenge in his new trike and taking to the slopes on specially adapted skis. Charlotte is hoping to run as much of the 5k as super-humanly possible!

The Chosen Charity

Alex is raising money for Rainbow Hub. They are a charity providing therapeutic services for children and young people with physical disabilities as a result of a neurological condition or brain injury.


Alex’s superpower is ‘having fun’. His disabilities may not let him do the things that the average teenager would do, but he is determined to have as much fun and independence as possible. You will have to look really hard to see him whizzing by on his skis! Charlotte’s superpower is multitasking. This certainly comes in handy when you become a superhero for 4 weeks!

World Team

Alex has been assigned to team Alex Brooker for the around the world challenge and is excited to be a part of the team! We cannot wait to see how they all get on.


Alex is taking part to help keep up his strength during lockdown as well as having some fun!

We are thrilled that you are joining us again and we will be supporting you all the way Team SuperMac!

Rainbow Hub:


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