Speak to us about interim payments, early rehabilitation, care, support, therapies, accommodation and equipment. We’re here to help in any way we can.


We are committed to helping our clients on all fronts. This includes not only recovering financial compensation, but ensuring that they receive the best possible support and rehabilitation as early as possible in the case, during and beyond the conclusion of their claim

Early rehabilitation, assistance with equipment, support, therapies expert medical input are immediate considerations in all our cases and arrangement are put in place wherever possible, sometimes even before liability is admitted.

Getting you back to as normal a life as possible, as quickly as possible.

We can make things easier by securing interim payments from the defendant’s insurers to cover your medical and rehabilitation expenses

In serious injury cases, The Pre-Action Protocol for Personal Injury Claims requires parties to a personal injury claim to consider, as early as possible, whether the claimant has needs that could be met by rehabilitation, treatment or other measures.

The Protocol encourages parties to a personal injury claim to follow the
The 2015 Rehabilitation Code in considering how to identify the needs of the claimant and address the cost of providing for them.

Case managers, support and therapies

Your case may involve the appointment of a case manager who will have experience of dealing with the management of both day to day and future needs, which if agreed by all parties, we will arrange without delay.

We will seek to engage the appointment of an appropriate case manager through interim funding as part of the claim and they will hopefully provide assistance by way of helping you and family members by organising carers and a package of support and therapies to help with your rehabilitation.

There are often important issues concerning mobility, transport, home adaptations and employment concerns that can benefit from the assistance of an experienced case manager.

How we can help

Whatever your needs, we’re here to help you or your loved one after serious injury of clinical negligence. Speak to us to find out how we can help.

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