Modern Slavery Statement 2022

This statement is made pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act) and sets out the steps Knights Group Holdings plc and its subsidiary, Knights Professional Services Limited (Knights or we), are taking to assess and mitigate any risk of slavery and human trafficking in its businesses for the financial year ending 30 April 2022.

CEO’s Statement

Knights is opposed to any form of forced or bonded labour, including modern slavery or human trafficking and is committed to conducting its business ethically and responsibly.  In an increasingly global marketplace, we recognise that all businesses have a responsibility to understand whether modern slavery and human trafficking is taking place within their supply chains or in any part of their business.

As a leading legal and professional services business, Knights always works to the highest professional standards and complies with all laws, regulations and rules relevant to our organisation. We expect the same from our suppliers and business partners.

Our Organisation

Knights Group Holdings plc is listed on the Alternative Investment Market and registered in England and Wales. We have over 20 offices located throughout the UK and are continually expanding into new regional legal markets.

Knights Group Holdings plc’s subsidiary, Knights Professional Services Limited, provides a full range of legal services to individual and corporate clients from many sectors, including real estate, financial services and retail and predominantly employs professionally qualified and highly skilled people. The business is supported by centralised operational functions, namely Marketing, Finance, HR, IT, Facilities, Office Services, Legal, Compliance and Data Management.

Our supply chain

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