Remember, Freddie, Henry and Lucie aka #TheLittleGrayTroop. They are some of CL Medilaw’s superhero’s, taking part in the At Home Superhero Challenge 2020. Well we caught up with the brother and sister trio to check out their progress and here is what they had to say…….

Freddie, Henry and Lucie have been loving doing their challenge and have been clocking up those miles walking and cycling around their street. It has been, and continues to be, a great opportunity for the whole family to get involved and help raise awareness for PACE. Henry and Lucie have been racing up and down the street on their bikes while Freddie has been using his walker. Mum, Katie has also been running around the local area. Family and friends are cheering them along and encouraging Freddie to do more lapse. Last weekend the troop went to one of the lakes near Milton Keynes for a new adventure and another chance to get ever closer to their target.

It was a hard decision, but Freddie, Henry and Lucie have finally decided on their superpowers:

  • Freddie’s include acts of kindness, making people laugh and fighting cerebral palsy!
  • Henry’s include lightning fast speed, making people smile and helping animals!
  • Lucie’s include making people laugh, helping others and being super lovely!

The Little Gray Troop are well on track and quickly reaching their 20km target! To donate and help support their chosen charity, PACE please follow the link below:

Best of luck with the rest of the challenge and we cannot wait to see pictures of them crossing that finish line #findyourpower

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