Our clinical negligence team have obtained an early admission of liability for a claim for damages following a birth injury leading to a diagnosis of spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy secondary to generalised periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) and global developmental delay for our client.
It was accepted by the Defendant Trust that following admission to hospital at 34 weeks pregnant with high blood pressure and proteinuria, there was a failure to interpret the subsequent CTGs correctly. This should have led to further investigation including a growth scan, liquor assessment and dopplers which, it was agreed, would have led to earlier delivery of our client. The Defendant Trust agreed with our representation that the most likely cause of the PVL evidence by way of a MRI scan was a hypoxic ischaemic insult due to pre-eclampsia and placental insufficiency. It was conceded that early delivery at this stage would have led to all hypoxic injury being avoided and our client being born without any brain damage.
An admission by the Defendant Trust enables the team to obtain an early interim payment of damages to help support the family as swiftly as possible. Further valuation of the claim will involve an assessment of all our client’s needs both now and in the future to include care, accommodation, physiotherapy, speech and language therapy, education and assistive technology.