Woman standing by the sea looking out pensively
Our client was hit by a car whilst crossing a road. He was taken by ambulance to the major trauma centre for the south east where it was revealed he had extensive orthopaedic injuries, including fractures of the left frontal and right temporal bone, and a severe traumatic brain injury.He underwent major surgery to drain the blood from his brain. He was later discharged to Kerwin Court Neurobehavioral Centre where he underwent extensive rehabilitation before returning home.

Support and specialist advice

We have secured interim payments with the insurer to fund the cost of ongoing case management, occupational therapy and neuropsychological therapy. We have also been able to secure a state-of-the-art hearing aid and vestibular therapy with balance classes to help with his balance and coordination.

Changing Lives

The interim payments have funded equipment, including an iPad, so that our client is able to set reminders for appointments. Our client is a very determined individual and also uses his iPad to search the internet so that he can look for voluntary work.

He is now able to live in his flat with the support of his rehabilitation team and has a good quality life.

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