
AB was admitted to hospital for a scheduled laparoscopic gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy) to be performed by keyhole surgery.

What Went Wrong? 

During surgery, the surgeon, cut AB’s common bile duct instead of the cystic duct. The mistake was identified immediately but the surgeon had to stop the keyhole surgery and perform emergency open abdominal surgery to urgently repair the damage and stop a bile leak.

Client’s Injuries

AB suffered significant injuries and had to undergo a laparotomy and biliary reconstruction with hepatico-jejunostomy under general anaesthetic. AB also suffered from subsequent wound and chest infections. 

AB was left with ongoing complications and pain including gastric symptoms such as excessive wind, cramping, bloating and diarrhoea. AB was also unable to continue to carry out many day to day tasks including household chores involving carrying, lifting and bending. AB was unable to immediately return to her studies as a midwife as she was no longer able to carry out the physical tasks involved. 

The injuries stopped AB from being able to enjoying a sexual relationship with her partner which contributed to a deterioration in the relationship. The resulting effect on AB’s mental health led to her being diagnosed with a Trauma and Stressor Disorder which required Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

How We Helped

We obtained an independent expert report from a consultant surgeon who confirmed that the surgery had been negligently performed and the common bile duct should not have been cut. The defendant denied all allegations and argued that it was not negligent to cut the incorrect duct. Despite the Defendant’s position, we continued with the claim.

Due to our perseverance, the Defendant finally admitted liability and we were able to secure compensation for our client in excess of £250,000, which provided financial support to AB and her family.

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