Well done to our fundraising runners!

Five incredible members of our team ran the London Landmarks Half Marathon on Sunday 7th April, raising over £2,400 for Newlife, the Charity for disabled children.

The half marathon was the culmination of months of fundraising by our teams across the UK. From Wilmslow to Oxford, Birmingham to Weybridge, our teams have been busy baking and selling cakes, raising a fantastic £800 towards the overall total.

Thanks to donations from family, friends and our amazing colleagues, our runners all reached their target of raising £375, which is enough to provide a child with a brand new specialist buggy; something that will transform their life.

As well as providing life-changing specialist equipment for disabled or terminally ill children, Newlife offer many other means of support, such as play therapy pods and family support.

An incredible day and experience

London Landmarks Half Marathon route map

The day itself was filled with multiple charities and organisations, including the Newlife cheer station at mile 10!

The London Landmarks Half Marathon was accessible to anyone of any ability, including multiple wheelchair and assistive technology users, further demonstrating the incredible difference charities like Newlife make.

Changing Lives

We’re passionate about changing lives, both through our legal expertise and also our valued charity connections.

By supporting a range of national charities, we ensure our support for you, or your child, extends beyond the end of your claim, as we recognise the financial and emotional toll an injury or illness can have.

It was an amazing experience to be apart of, not only for my own personal goals, but also working with the rest of the CL Medilaw team to support an important cause. Getting to mile 11 and seeing Newlife supporting us was the boost myself and the rest of the team needed. I enjoyed the whole day and can’t wait for next year!
Cerys Court
Cerys Court
Half Marathon Runner

Well done to everyone who took part in the London Landmarks Half Marathon and thank you to everyone who donated to help Newlife – the Charity for Disabled Children

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