Amputation Foundation weekend away
CLMedilaw Charity Support

Molly's weekend away with Amputation Foundation

Between 10th – 13th March, our colleague, Molly Taylor, travelled to the Bendrigg Trust in the Lake District to take part in the first of this years’ Amputation Foundation adventure weekend. The weekend is an amazing opportunity for amputees of all ages to take part in exciting activities to push them out of their comfort zones. The activities included canoeing, archery, zip-lining, crate stacking, caving, and rock climbing. As well as this, each night was filled with games, sing-alongs, or roasting marshmallows over an open fire in the on-site Yurt!

Molly met some amazing and inspirational people including a teacher, C, who had an above knee amputation during COVID following a long battle with bone cancer, T who had a below knee amputation, but due to Complex Regional Pain Syndrome was unable to wear a prosthetic (and was by far the best at rock climbing!) and S who had a below knee amputation in his early 20’s following a road traffic accident, who now dedicated his time to helping Charities.

Amputation Foundation are a charity set up by two men from very different backgrounds; one who lost 3 limbs whilst serving in Afghanistan and the other who lost his lower limbs as a result of a major road traffic accident. The charity was created to provide vital support for amputees such as benefits advice, legal information, prosthetic centre advice and information, setting up support groups, as well as putting on amputee-friendly events such as the adventure weekend to Bendrigg Trust. The charity’s aim is to help amputees rebuild their lives and adjust to their new circumstances.

What Molly had to say:

“What an amazing weekend at the Bendrigg Trust with the most fabulous group of people! I have worked with Amputation Foundation for a while now, but I found the whole weekend was very eye-opening for me as a non-amputee. I was fortunately enough to hear everyone’s stories, as well as the challenges that each person has had to overcome; whether that be fighting for access to suitable prosthetics or equipment, to access to the correct vehicle to maintain their independence. Even things that I might have taken for granted such as accessibility when going on holiday. C told me that her and her family were left stranded in the airport with her family because he pre-booked assistance didn’t arrive, so she nearly missed her flight, as well as unsuitable accommodation when she did get to her destination. Having spoken to the group, watching how much everyone enjoyed themselves and that they were able to exceed what they thought they were capable of, I can see exactly how beneficial the support Amputation Foundation provides to amputees is, whether they came to their amputation recently, or long ago. I feel privileged to be involved with the charity, and to have met everyone attending the adventure weekend.”

“I’m so grateful to CL Medilaw for funding the lights and sound for Scotty’s bath. He struggles badly with anxiety and having a bath with his favourite tunes and relaxing lighting will help him hugely. Thank you!"
Scott's Mum
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