CL Medilaw is calling all superheroes this summer to join us in taking part in the At Home Superheroes event between 17 July and 14 August.

The Superhero Series is the UK’s only disability sports series.  Their aim is to create a fun and exciting ‘anything goes’ environment where people with disabilities call the shots and don’t have to worry about cut off times or equipment restrictions.

The challenge lasts 4 weeks in which participants can fly solo or unite with friends and family to complete their ‘At Home’ mission. You are free to set your own goal and can complete the challenge by any means e.g. walking, running, swimming, riding a bike, hula hoping etc. or you may choose to use one of your super senses such as bursting bubbles, sensing sounds or taste testing…the options are endless!

CL Medilaw is a corporate friend of the Superhero Series and we have a number of free places up for grabs! If  you are interested in participating then please contact us and share this post with any family, friends or anyone in your wider community who might be interested.

The deadline to enter is 21 June 2021 so please get in touch before then!


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