Louise and Rachel from the CL Medilaw team had a great time supporting the Child Brain Injury Trust at their colourful AGloHa! event on 17 October 2019 in Covent Garden.
The theme was bright and colourful and the guests did not disappoint! Covered in neon, glitter, and fabulous costumes, everyone had a fantastic night in the Tropicana Beach Club.
CBIT is a charity that provides much-needed support to children with acquired brain injuries and their families. They provide advice and information on brain injuries and how to cope, including how to access services, practical tips, and support for siblings and parents. They also organise events and exhibitions to raise awareness.
The AGloHa! event raised over £30,000 to help CBIT continue their great work.
To read more about the ways CBIT helps children with acquired brain injuries click here [ – https://childbraininjurytrust.org.uk/ ].