This August marks National Road Victim Month 2024

It is estimated that everyday 5 people are killed and 80 are seriously injured in a road traffic accident. These staggering statistics, although powerful, do not even touch on the unimaginable amount of recovery and rehabilitation, road traffic victims face, following an accident.

National Road Victim Month was founded by Road Peace a UK based charity with the aims of bringing awareness to the causes of road traffic accidents and to remember all those who have either lost their lives or been seriously injured in a road traffic accident.

Our serious injury team are highly experienced in dealing with injuries resulting road traffic accidents including traumatic brain, head and neck injuries, complex orthopaedic conditions and amputations. We ensure that our clients get the compensation they deserve and are fully supported from their early rehabilitation through to long term recovery.

Client Story – Successful claim following motorbike collision

Our client Hannah was a hard-working mother, who’s job involved heavy lifting and multiple physical challenges. One day, after leaving her family home on her motorbike, she lost control of her vehicle and landed on the road. After coming off her bike, Hannah was struck by a passing vehicle, and recalls being trapped under the car for several minutes.

This horrific accident left Hannah with serious orthopaedic injuries, and she was airlifted to hospital. As well as multiple surgeries, Hannah and her sons, who witnessed the aftermath of the event, were severely traumatised and psychologically affected by the accident, requiring psychological therapy to help them recover.

Due to the nature of her injuries, Hannah had to take time off work and was left feeling extremely anxious and hesitant to go back into such a physically demanding job.

How we helped:

After contacting CL Medilaw, our team took an in-depth look at the report of her accident and potential avenues for a claim. Despite the defendants initially denying liability in full, our talented team of lawyers were able to secure Hannah £100,000 worth of damages in a settlement through a Part 36 offer.

In light of this fantastic result, Hannah commented:

“It is going to make a huge difference, it has enabled me to take some time out from work where I can spend time recovering from the accident physically and mentally. My previous job was an active one which I can no longer do. The damages have given me options I would never have had such as going back into education or changing career. I will also be able to help my sons who witnessed the aftermath of the accident by paying for them to see counsellors/therapists which for me is the most important aspect of this payout”

Get in touch:

We understand how life can change immediately following a road traffic accident, and how daunting reaching out for help can initially seem.

At CL Medilaw we are here to listen to your story and offer a free consultation to establish whether we can help. Like Hannah and Noel, the outcomes can truly change lives, and we encourage you to get in touch.

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